Friday, March 16, 2018


Born in Belgrade, 1969. Lived and studied in London, UK 1990-2002. Since 2002 living and working in Kyoto, Japan. Poems and short stories published in a number of magazines, including Verse, Ink,
Sweat & Tears, Magma. Haiku and haibun published in various haiku anthologies, incl. Meltdown, Persimmon, Genjuan Haibun Contest, Decorated Works etc. NHK ‘Haiku Master’ 2017. Rakugo
performer as a member of English Rakugo comedy troupe. Blog:

Lanterns swaying
up the forest path –
you sweep a ghost
off my shoulder

Ове светиљке
осветлише путању
све до шумарка;
а ти, ко да отресе
духа са мог рамена

Veil of the night:
our blue VW the last
on the parking lot

Копрена ноћи-
наш плави VW задњи
на паркиралишту

A gooey cup
of macha latte:
the emerald lake

Густо помешан
зелени чај с млеком:
смарагдно језеро

Fukuchiyama castle:
wooden arrow loops
shut on Tuesday

Хаката замак:
омча дрвених стрела
не ради уторком

A four-century- old shrine:
English version fortune slip
counsels me on love

Тај пагански храм:
гатање на енглеском,
савет љубавни

A lifeless rat
in heron’s bill – the crow
watching haplessly

Мртав је пацов
у чапљином кљуну већ-
немоћна врана.

Down the wooden slide
he is a boy once again

Низ тобоган
дрвени спусти се
све до дечаштва.

Песме превео: Димитар Анакиев

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